September Reports of The West Nile Virus Further Warrant Extra Precautions Including Fly Spray Systems
Last year’s West Nile season was exceptionally bad and was not considered over even as we reached December 2012, when there was a human case of the virus reported. Although 2012 was unusually bad, authorities agree that the West Nile season is something that we should take precautions against all year round.1 The usual precautions include staying indoors at dusk and dawn, wearing long sleeves and pants, and avoiding standing water. In addition, we highly recommend installing one of our fly spray systems to protect your home on a consistent basis, all year round.
September 2013 West Nile Cases
September 2013 started with the fifth case of the virus confirmed in Duncanville2, the first case in Garland3, the fourth case in Tarrant County4, the fourth in Collin County5, and the first West Nile death of 2013 in Texas reported in Dallas County just last Tuesday, September 10th. 6
As of Thursday, September 19th, Tarrant County has announced two more West Nile Virus victims. One victim was an 80 year-old woman residing south of I-20 near Hulen who contracted a milder strain, while the other was a 30 year-old man living west of I-35 near Seminary, who contracted the much more serious West Nile neuroinvasive disease.7
Mosquito Testing is Not a Strong Indicator
From this point on, Tarrant County’s health officials have decided to no longer release cases of the virus to the media unless they resulted in death. They have concluded that if someone’s neighbor has contracted the virus, it does not necessarily increase one’s chances of contracting the virus as well. County health officials would find mosquitoes that test positive in certain areas, yet there would be victims in an area where mosquitoes did not test positive. These last two victims in Tarrant County did not have any mosquitoes test positive in their areas.7
The Best Action is Precaution
Despite all of the testing and spraying, contracting the West Nile Virus seems to be a highly unpredictable risk. DFW city officials have been repeatedly emphasizing all year that residents should take every possible precaution to avoid being bitten. Considering the risk that is involved, we strongly believe that Texas residents should have one of our fly spray systems installed for optimal, year-round protection for their families and loved ones. Our fly spray systems are designed to target and deter all flying insects, especially mosquitoes.