West Nile Virus
April 8, 2013 SCSadmin

West Nile Virus

Posted in Uncategorized

In 2012 the Department of State Health Services of Texas had confirmed 1,834 human cases of West Nile illness in Texas, including 86 deaths.  This year get a jump start protecting your family from the West Nile Virus.  The easiest and best way to avoid West Nile Virus is to prevent Mosquito bites; reducing the amount of mosquitoes around your home is the first step.

Safely protect your family in 2013 by adding the Stonecreek Solutions Automatic Insect Misting System to your home.  You will begin to reduce the population of mosquitoes around your home immediately.  You will no longer have to keep the over the counter sprays, gels and candles on hand; our system will handle the mosquito problem for you.